
nWOL Changelog

nWOL Changelog

version 1.7.81  2024/8/18   (Announce Page)


  • Fixed the problem that the host state is not correctly displayed in icon color until the nWOL's main window is shown after starting nWOL when setting it to be resident in the task tray.
  • Fixed the problem that sound does not work until the nWOL's main window is shown after nWOL startup when the task tray resident setting is selected.
  • Fixed the problem that nWOL cannot be started due to the exception caused when the system drive is installed in other than C drive.


version 1.7.77  2023/7/8   (Announce Page)


  • Fixed a bug  in the loading process of the main window. (In Windows Server 2019 with recent updates, nWOL does not start with an exception.)


version 1.7.75  2022/7/9   (Announce Page)


  • Fixed a bug in 1.7.73 that did not read a configuration file of previous version.


 version 1.7.73  2022/5/29   (Announce Page)


  • Enabled to change the UDP Port number of the Magic Packet destination for each host.


  • Added -u option to specify the destination UDP Port number when sending Magic Packets.
  • Added -f option which lists hosts with detailed information.


version 1.7.59  2021/8/29   (Announce Page)


  • In 1.7.55, there was a bug in the -a -h -r option of nWOLc that prevented magic packets from being sent. We apologize that these options have not been available for a while.


  • Fixed the sort function of host list.


version 1.7.55  2021/7/18   (Announce Page)

  • First version which supports English.


If you are interested in the nWOL's past changelog, see the following page.



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